Electrical top concrete layer heating systems

Assembly-ready heating mats with or without an extra heating line, consisting of the heating line, cooling line, and temperature sensor. The top concrete layer heating systems of Klöpper-Therm are the optimum protection against risks due to black ice in freezer storage facilities.

Contact us if you have any questions to this product.

We are looking forward to your call.

Markus Degeler
Frostprotection-/Surface Heating

Tel. +49 231/5178-336

The top concrete layer transports heat from the outside into the freezer room. In the process, the temperature of the top concrete layer drops to the temperature of the freezer room along the flow of heat. The moisture in the warmer air condenses on the colder concrete surface in the vicinity of doors, and black ice can form as a result. Air lock areas are at particular risk due to the exchange of warm and cold air. If condensation water from the walls and ceiling lands on the floor due to the frequent opening of doors, black ice can form and accidents may result. As a result of the constant effects of cold, the seals of doors can freeze solid and become strongly damaged Due to the high temperature differences, leaky doors result in an increased energy consumption of the entire cooling system.


Top concrete layer heating systems of Klöpper-Therm are a reliable protection against the formation of ice, both in air locks and in the vicinity of the doors of freezer rooms. At the same time, the freezing of door seals on the floor and the flow of cold towards heated rooms is prevented.


Electrical top concrete layer heating systems for:


Installed quickly, easily, and affordably: the heating mats of Klöpper-Therm are embedded at a depth of about 3 to 6 cm in the top concrete layer. Laying plans and circuit diagrams created especially for your project make the laying and connection of Klöpper-Therm heating mats and temperature sensors to the electrical supply possible without a problem.


You advantages at a glance

Technical data

Product flyer and data sheet