Steam superheater type series PVN

The compact steam superheaters of type series PVN reach high steam temperatures even at low process pressure. Due to the compact design and control concept, they are characterised by short response times, high
control precision, and high availability (existing redundancies).

Contact us if you have any questions to this product.

We are looking forward to your call.

Dr. Heinz-Friedrich Hinz
Heater + Boiler

Tel. +49 231/5178-365

In many cases, our steam superheaters are designed as a "stand-alone" system and provided completely assembled with all necessary safety devices and controls. The customer must provide only the process connection and the electrical connection.

Area of application

  • Autonomous, continuous steam superheating to a high steam temperature at low process pressure. 


Functional principle

  • In the steam superheater, (saturated) steam is indirectly superheated by electrical tubular heaters. The desired steam temperature is used as a control variable. In case of a strongly varying throughput, the flow signal is also integrated into the control concept. 

In this way, the heating capacity is optimally adapted to the process and overheating is prevented.


Technical data

Manufacturing standard

Product flyer and data sheet